Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sector Funds

Sector funds choose to invest in a particular industry or segment of the market. Examples of sectors include automotive, technology, baking, air transportation, biotechnology, health care and utilities.
Sector funds are considered less diversified than most mutual funds, but they do offer diversification within a particular industry.

International Funds

1.      Global Funds - These funds invest in both U.S. and International stocks.
2.      Foreign Funds - These funds invest primarily outside the U.S.
3.      Country Specific Funds - These funds focus on one country or region of the world.
4.      Emerging Markets Funds - These funds focus on small developing country and are considered very risky.

How Indexes are created

Not all indexes are created in the same way. How they are put together can affect investor returns. Three methods primarily used to construct indexes are:
·         Market value-weighted Method - Each stock is given a weighting proportional to its market capitalization
·         Price Weighted Method - Each stock is given a weighting proportional to its market price
·         Equal Weighted Method - Each stock is equally weighted in the index
The market value-weighted method, where a company worth $2 Billion is given twice the weight of a company worth $1 Billion, is the most popular way of creating an index. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index is one example. A market value-weighted index allows investors to best capture total economic activity and changes in valuation of the companies in the index. By giving larger companies higher weighting, this method reflects the fact that large companies have larger revenues and profits and that any change will have a larger effect on economic activity than change in smaller companies. The NYSE Composite Index, Nasdaq Composite Index, Wilshire 5000, London FTSE, and MSCI Indexes are all constructed using the market value methodology.
A price-weighted index overweights the performance of companies with higher listed stock prices. Richard Ciuba, Account Development Executive in the Indexing Group at Dow Jones explains why the DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average),
"The index was created a 100 years ago at a time when the main emphasis was on fixed-income instruments. It was simply computed as the average price of the 12 stocks that made up the index. The creators did not anticipate stock splits, run-offs, takeovers, mergers and acquisitions."
Early in this century, high prices were synonymous with larger companies and higher market caps. Things are different today but the old method is still used for computing the index. Why is the DJIA at 10,000 if it is supposed to be the average price of the 30 stocks in the index today? It is because it has been adjusted every time a stock split, a company paid a dividend of more than 10%, or a company in the group was replaced by another. The Japanese Nikkei 225 is also price-weighted.
An equally-weighted index makes no distinction between large and small companies, both of which are given equal weighting. The good performance of large-cap stocks is negated one-for-one by poor performance of smaller-cap stocks in this index. Since there are many more small companies than large ones, this strategy greatly overemphasizes the importance of small company activity

How does indexing work?

How does indexing work?
For the average investor, indexing involves:
·         Picking indexes that provide the right mix of return and risk for their situation
·         Picking funds that follow those indexes.
Index investors are content with the average performance of a market. They are skeptical that a money manager can improve on the average performance without raising risk. They are even more skeptical after hefty fees are subtracted.
Theoretically, an index can be created to track any publicly tradable asset worthy of investment. Index funds exist for a broad range of asset classes, including short, intermediate, and long-term bonds; U.S. large and small company stocks; value (low price relative to earnings) and growth (high price relative to earnings) stocks; international large and small company stocks; emerging market stocks, and others. In practice, most index investing involves common stocks and a majority of that centers around the S&P 500 Index.
Lower management fees make this a near mathematical certainty that a fund tracking an index will outperform actively managed investors seeking to beat that index. Why? By definition the average performance of investors in a certain type of asset is equal to the index of that asset type, before fees. So:

Average active investment return before fees = Index fund return before fees

Then fees are considered. Index funds almost always have lower fees than stockpicking funds, usually by 1% to 2% per year. So the equation is:

Index fund after fees = Average active investment return + (1% to 2%)

It turns out that the average index funds outperforms stockpicking funds which target the same markets by about the same amount as the difference in fees, year in and year out.
Index funds can be managed by a small staff. A personal computer can calculate at minimal expense how much to buy or sell of each stock when money flows in or out of an index fund. There is no need to pay a "star" manager with a strong track record to choose winning stocks. And typically index funds spends far less money on advertising to promote their record than firms with "star" managers.
Indexing guarantees that an investor's money will be spread over the entire market. Mutual funds or individual investors who pick stocks generally restrict themselves to a limited number of stocks so they can devote sufficient time to each.
Capital gains taxes are delayed because the index mutual fund buys and holds stocks longer than active funds that buy and sell stocks in hopes of outperforming the market. A stock is sold by the index fund only made if a company is removed from an index or investors request their money back. Because money that would have been paid out as taxes can keep producing investment returns, the effect of delaying taxes is powerful over time.
Since operating an index mutual fund involves no decision making, there is little for an investor to supervise. Indexing eliminates the risks, costs, and uncertainties of "active" management (stock picking and market timing). Index investors tend to sleep easier at night.
Funds may track very different indexes. Some indexes (eg, the S&P 500) are set up to measure the performance of large companies. Other indexes focus on small companies (the Russell 2000 being one of the most famous small-cap indexes), international stocks (MSCI-EAFE), and bonds (Lehman-Brothers Aggregate Bond). In addition, some indexes incur smaller fees. In some cases minor differences can occur from different trading costs in efforts to buy or sell stocks for indexing purposes.
Over the long term the S&P 500 index has beaten about 65-80% of mutual funds, depending on the time period. This is especially true when one takes into account "survivorship" bias. This bias occurs because the worst performing funds typically go out of business and are not counted in long-term records. Thus long-term performance of surviving funds to be higher than the sum of annual performances. Many fund groups "seed" numerous funds with small amounts of money precisely in order to weed out poor performers and to promote the "star" funds.
These funds try to mimic a chosen index. Examples of indices include the S&P 500, NASDAQ, and the Russell 2000. An index is simply a group of stocks chosen to represent a particular segment of the market. Usually this is accomplished by purchasing small amounts of each stock in a market.
Index funds are a hands-off approach to investing. The manager is not trying to find the hot stocks or great deals. Instead, the manager is simply trying to match an chosen index. The results are funds that are very cost efficient, meaning the operating costs are very low, and often beat most actively managed funds.

What is an index fund?

An index fund is a mutual fund that mirrors as closely as possible the performance of a stock market index. For example, many mutual fund companies have since established S&P 500 index funds to mirror that index by purchasing all 500 stocks in the same percentages as the index.
·         Index funds track markets closely instead of trying to outperform them
·         Index funds tend to be much cheaper since there are no highly paid managers to pick stocks
·         Index funds delay capital gains taxes because stock turnover (buying and selling) is low.

Why index?

Numerous independent studies have shown that indexing provides greater returns over time with less risk and lower taxes. In any given year most active funds underperform markets they set out to beat, especially after fees are subtracted.

What is indexing?

Indexing is an investment strategy to match the average performance of a market or group of stocks. Usually this is accomplished by buying a small amount of each stock in a market. An index, such as the S&P 500, is the number that represents the market or group of stocks.